Thursday, November 5, 2009


For the majority of my pre-pubescence i grew up with the idea that Marijuana was a bad, evil, god-forsaken plant and should never be thought nor spoken of let alone inhaled. From Nancy Reagan deciding that "just Say No" was a suitable phrase to keep kids off drugs, and there we see how that worked out.
Shitty, for people who don't know. It worked out shitty. Or shittily.
"Just Say No" has never been a phrase to rely on. It hasn't worked with drugs (as we see drug related crimes escalating), it hasn't worked with abstinence (as the AMA even shows every year that teaching only abstinence doesn't lower the amount of kids having sex, it just lowers the amount of kids having safe sex), and it didn't work with any other possible organization or ideal you can think of that you should probably just say no to.
But I'm not here to talk about those other outlets and/or organizations or even sex today.
I'm here to talk about Marijuana, and why that little bastardized plant should be legalized and brought back to stores in America like it was less than 100 years ago.

Let's start at the beginning: